
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stuffed Bell Peppers

I used to make stuffed bell peppers before I started eating vegan, but was never that into them. I  always thought they were kind of boring. These stuffed peppers are a whole different story! They are packed with flavor and are delicious.

Stuffed Bell Peppers
adapted from dirty kitchen secrets

6 small to medium bell peppers
1 onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
3 tomatoes, diced with juice
1 cup brown rice, uncooked
2 cups vegetable broth
1 can (15oz) chickpeas
1 Tbsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1/4 C pine nuts
1/4 C dried cranberries
2 large handfuls spinach
pepper to taste
3 Tbsp olive oil

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a deep pot on high heat, and saute the onions for about 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Add the tomatoes (including juice), chickpeas, paprika, and salt and mix well.
Rinse the rice under water and then add to the pot. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring to boil. After boiling for 5 minutes, lower the heat, cover with a lid, and cook for about 30 minutes. (Your time may vary - you can look at the cooking instructions on your rice).
While this is cooking, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a small pan and toast the pine nuts for about 1 minute. Watch these carefully so they don't burn.
Once the rice is cooked, mix in the spinach, cranberries and toasted pine nuts. Add pepper to taste.

While your rice is cooking, you can prepare the bell peppers.
Cut off top of peppers and save the caps. Remove the seeds and insides.
Cover a baking pan with aluminum foil and make sure your peppers can stand up on the pan without tipping over. If needed you can cut a little slice off the bottom to even them (without making any holes).
Lightly rub olive oil on both the inside and outsides of the peppers, and then stuff with the rice mixture.
Add the pepper caps on top, and cover all with another piece of aluminum foil.

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.

I have a new favorite way to make my stuffed peppers now! These are a little bit time consuming, but are totally worth it. You could also make a whole bunch and freeze some. I haven't tried this yet though, because they don't last long enough at our house.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the recipe! I used to eat these as a kid (full of meat, though, gross) so I'm super glad to see an even better version for me now.

  2. my mom used to make stuffed peppers when i was younger, filled with rice, ground beef, and tomato sauce. i loved it. after i went vegan, she would make it with crumbled tofu because she's awesome like that. now adays, i would much prefer your version, filled with all sorts of delicious things! i love that you added pine nuts and cranberries. looks delicious!

  3. I have never tried stuffed peppers. My mom used to make them when I was a kid, but I thought they looked gross! *hah* So, I avoided them at all costs. Now, I adore peppers and am surprised I've not yet tried to make my own stuffed peppers at home. I MUST make these ASAP. They look incredibly delicious! Love the addition of pine nuts and cranberries! YUMMY! :)

    1. I love bell peppers too - on just about anything! I hope you like these! :)

  4. I love how you added some cranberries. It is a great idea ! Pine nuts are my favorite...My boyfriend and I call the ''les noix de la royauté'' english ''the royalty nut'' because of their cost...but oh how they are worth it !! I already had stuffed peppers..but not as incredible as you made it..mine was only rice tomato sauce and mushrooms ! I like your version better !!

    1. I love "the royalty nut" nickname! They are expensive, but I agree that they are worth it. It seems like they can instantly make a dish fancier. :)

  5. The cranberries and pinenuts are such a great addition!

    My Mom would make stuffed peppers often, I loved them....recently I have been making stuffed peppers with quinoa, black olives, corn, salsa - OMG incredible.

    I am going to have to try your version out soon!

    1. Oh that sounds good too. I need to try YOUR version! :)
