
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tropical Green Smoothie

These smoothies are my usual go to breakfast. I used to make these with just juice and a ton of fruit, but then I realized it was a lot of sugar and not much else. After tweaking a couple of things, I think I've made it healthier but it still tastes great!

Tropical Green Smoothie
serves 1
1/2 C fresh spinach leaves, packed
1/2 C orange juice
1/2 C almond milk
1 T ground flax
1 T almond butter
1/2 C frozen fruit (pineapple, mango, papaya, peaches)
1 banana

Add all of the ingredients into your blender, blend and serve!

I know there are a lot of green drink recipes out there, and most of them agree when starting to add greens that spinach is the place to start. It has such a mild taste that you would barely notice it was there if it wasn't for the color of the smoothie!

I also sometimes add in a little spoonful of vegan protein powder if it's after a workout.

What are your favorite smoothie add ins?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. this looks really delicious...I love green smoothies

    1. I didn't think I would, but now I am hooked on them too. :)

  2. I love green smoothies - spinach is definitely the perfect "sneaky" veggie to add in :)
