
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Banana Avocado Dip

I found these plantain chips at my local grocery store, and I had to try them out! They are really good and I bet would be even better if you made them yourself. But sometimes I'm lazy. I did make a dip for them though!

Banana Avocado Dip
makes about 1/2 cup, adapted from martha stewart

1 ripe banana
1 small ripe avocado
2 tsp lemon juice
dash of salt and pepper
dash of garlic powder 


Peel and pit the avocado, then mash it up in a bowl. Add in the banana and mash them all together. Add in lemon juice and the spices, and combine. Serve with plantain chips, tortilla chips, fruit and veggie slices, or anything else you'd like!

This was really good! I think this dip would also be good with different spices in it. What about a little cinnamon and sugar instead of the garlic? Hmm... guess I'll need to try it out!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. what an amazing idea! i love the combination and dipping the plantain chips in it! this would be an awesome variation for a party!

    1. yes this would be a great party appetizer! plus the lemon juice helps to keep the avocado from browning quickly. :)

  2. wow ! I have to try this. great idea!

  3. This is so so neat - love this!

    I also love plantains, but have never made plantain chips before :)

    1. I haven't either, but I am guessing they can't be too difficult? Although I always end up burning myself when I try to pan fry things! =/

  4. I mixed half a ripe banana and small avocado with a smidge of sugar, cinnamon, and salt--very tasty on Back to Nature's Sweet Potato and Cinnamon Crackers--available at Trader Joe's.
