
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sloppy Joe Lentil Sliders

If you would have asked me a year ago If I would ever get really excited over a recipe with lentils, I probably would have said "no way!" or even more likely "wait, what's a lentil again?"

Well, the times have changed and here I am with some delicious lentils in the form of sloppy joe sliders!

Sloppy Joe Lentil Sliders
makes 12-15 sliders, or 6 normal sized buns
adapted from namely marly

3 cups dried red lentils, cooked
1 T oil
1 carrot, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1 small bell pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
1/2 C tomato paste
2 T chili powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1/2 C corn meal
Buns and toppings of your choice

Cook your lentils according to package directions, and set aside.
Saute the oil, carrot, onion, bell pepper, and garlic over medium heat until everything is tender.
Still simmering over medium heat, add the cooked lentils, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and spices and stir well. Mix in the corn meal and let simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Spoon your sloppy lentil mixture onto slider buns of your choice and top with ketchup, mustard, pickles or whatever you like.

This was an easy and tasty meal that I think even kids would enjoy. Lentils: not just for soup! I'm totally on board now. What is your favorite way to eat lentils?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i love the simplicity of this recipe! i just bought a big bag of red lentils over the weekend, now i know what i'm making for dinner!

    "wait, what's a lentil again?" haha, love that!

  2. Oh my these look amazing! Where in the world did you find those cute little buns - i totally need some cute little buns in my life and these look perfect, even better with that filling!

    I am with Caitlin, I started cracking up over the same line :)
    "wait, what's a lentil again?"

    1. Oh yes- the buns. These were amazing potato bread buns that I found at Sunflower market. They were so good! I hope I can find them again. :)

  3. beautiful little buns. These looks so good :) My favorite way to eat lentils is in my moms Indian stew. She really makes the lentil thing happen in there.

  4. ah mazing! these cute lil sliders are perfect to make a change in my lentil and bean indian stews almost everyday schedule!
    love those buns!

    1. Thank you! But then I have to try one of your stews... yum!

  5. As a child, I hated sloppy joes. I never gave them another chance. But this, this beautiful veganized version makes me feel like I ought to give sloppy joe lentil sliders a chance!

  6. Gorgeous pictures, Melissa! I love that little tray the sliders are on too. And then there's the sliders themselves! Total yum!

    1. Thanks! I just got that tray, it's my first prop-for-the-blog purchase. :)
