
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Banana bread is one of the first things I remember learning how to bake. My family loved it, and I remember my Mom showing me how to mash the bananas with a fork. At some point I became overly confident in my skills, and I would challenge my Dad to banana bread baking contests to see whose came out better. I always thought mine was the winner, because my dad liked his a little more cooked than I did, but I guess to each their own!

If I had known about this Chocolate chocolate chip banana bread recipe I'm not sure there would have been much of a contest. 

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
makes one loaf, adapted from joy the baker

2 flax eggs (2 Tbsp flax + 6 Tbsp water)
3/4 C almond milk
3/4 tsp lemon juice
2 C flour
1 C unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 stick (8 Tbsp) vegan butter
3/4 C sugar
1/2 C light brown sugar, packed
2 ripe bananas, mashed
3 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped

Preheat oven to 350F. 

Grease and flour a 9 by 5" loaf pan, then set it on top of a baking sheet. (Extra insulation so the bottom of the bread won't burn!)

In a small bowl combine the almond milk and the lemon juice, and set aside to let curdle.

Beat the butter with an electric mixer in a large bowl until soft. Add in the sugars and beat for another minute. Add the flax eggs and mix again. Add the mashed bananas and mix on low until fully combined.

In a separate bowl sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Add the dry mixture into the wet ingredients a little at a time, mixing to combine.

Add the almond milk/lemon juice mixture into the bowl and mix in.

Lastly, add in the chopped chocolate and stir.

Pour into the loaf pan and bake for 30 minutes. Then loosly cover the top of the bread with tin foil to keep the top from burning, and bake for an additional 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center. 
Let cool for about 20 minutes and then transfer out of the pan. 

This is some intense chocolatey bread! I would say it's almost more like a chocolate pound cake actually. I totally recommend this for either breakfast OR dessert.  
It's really tasty with a glass of almond milk, and probably would go well with some coffee or tea if that's your thing. I actually don't like any hot beverages - is that weird? :) 

Did you have any famous recipes in your family that spurred cooking contests over the years?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. mmmm...chocolate banana bread. It looks delicious! I am certainly going to make this:) Such a yummy classic in my family too..

  2. I love a good, rich chocolatey loaf! Especially with coffee, because that is my thing. ;-)

    I love that you and your dad would have contests! That is so cute! My friends and I used to have contests all the time, but they were always for different things.

    1. I bet this would be great with your coffee! Contests make everything fun.

  3. Mmmm this does look intense!

    Hahaha my family is a little competitive....we have a Toutiere Back Off last year and will have another this year (trophy and all) and we have our first Mac n' Cheese back off in October!

    1. I love the trophy idea! Maybe I'll have to challenge the family to a banana bread cook off. :)

  4. yummmmmmmm! so chocolately. i just made a banana chocolate cake too!:)
    my dad can only compete in carpentry and stuff. the kitchen is all my moms territory:)

    1. This is definitely more of a cake than a bread. But I didn't mind!
