
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Easy Vegetable Fried Rice

As a part of Vegan MoFo I decided to dedicate my Tuesday posts to easy weeknight recipes. We can't be fancy all the time, so these recipes are quick to put together!

When I first moved out on my own in college, fried rice was one of the meals I made myself most often. It was quick and easy, and it was something I knew how to cook! I have some great memories of making a big pan of fried rice for roommates and for my new boyfriend (now husband). I haven't yet tired of an easy fried rice dinner night.

Vegetable Fried Rice
serves 4-6

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp sesame oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
3 cups rice, cooked
3 Tbsp vegetable broth
3 tsp soy sauce
1 cup frozen peas/carrots

Heat the oils in a large wok. Add the garlic, bell pepper, and onion. Cook a few minutes until softened. Toss in the rice, broth, soy sauce, and frozen vegetables. Heat until the rice is sizzling. Remove from heat and serve.

I used to make fried rice with lots of scrambled egg and only soy sauce, but after I tried this vegetable broth method I will never look back. It was much more moist and flavorful. Feel free to add in whatever vegetables you like or have on hand, and have dinner ready in no time!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i LOVE veggie fried rice. when i first went vegan, i ate it every single week at the chinese restaurant near my work. yours looks DELICIOUS!

  2. Tuesday is my biggest day of the week... I am so glad to see your delicious easy meals for me to try after a long, school day :)

    1. Glad to help you out! Tuesdays are busy for me too!

  3. i survived on a lot of fried rice through college and the first few months of my new job.. then finally after settling in, the chicago restaurant scene changed my taste buds completely:)
    yours looks fabulous! the best part is crunchy carrots, peppers and peas

    1. Me too Richa! It was a good recipe to have around. Thanks!

  4. You know, I haven't had fried rice since I was a kid. Chinese food has never been my thing, but heavens your rice looks great. I might have to give it another shot. :-)

    1. Thanks Kristy! To each their own of course, but I could live off of Chinese food! ;)

  5. Yum! This looks fantastic. Over the past few years, I've come to love Fried Rice. Hated it as a kid! *hah*

    1. That is hilarious! I loved it as a kid and it was the only thing I ever ordered from Chinese takeout. I learned to branch out as I got older, but I still like fried rice! :)
