
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pomegranate Vanilla Limeade

As a part of Vegan MoFo I decided to dedicate my Wednesday posts to Ladies' Night! You'll find ideas to host a fun movie party complete with drinks and snacks for the perfect girls night in.

My friends and I really enjoy hosting Ladies' Nights. We get together, eat snacks, watch our favorite movies and sometimes even do some crafts or paint our nails. It's an excuse to hang out, but also to be silly and laugh together. I always use these evenings as a reason to make new treats, so I thought it would be great as one of my themes for Vegan Mofo.

First up is a recipe inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time Thoroughly Modern Millie!

Thoroughly Modern Millie is a musical comedy starring Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore. It was made in 1967, but is set in New York in the roaring 1920's. This movie is adorable, lighthearted and so much fun. I've been watching it since I was young, and I've made sure to introduce it to all my friends. I have a special place in my heart for "The Tapioca" which is a dance number that takes place when the two main characters meet for the first time. It's one of my favorite musical numbers from any movie ever!

In this clip you can see our villain trying to pass out some innocent looking punch, which she has actually poisoned. (See this movie has everything- singing, dancing, drama, and poison!)
In honor of the fancy punch at the friendship dance, I decided that I would make my own fancy drink to serve that would go perfectly when watching this movie.

Pomegranate Vanilla Limeade
makes about 4 cups, adapted from the kitchy kitchen

1 C lime juice (about 10 limes fresh squeezed)
2 C hot water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 C cold water
1/4 C agave
1/3 C pomegranate juice (optional)

Juice the limes into a blender, and then put the used lime halves into a large bowl. Cover with 2 cupes of hot water and stir in the vanilla extract. Let this sit for 10 minutes to pull more of the lime flavor out., then strain liquid into the blender. Add the cold water, agave, and pomegranate juice is desired. Blend everything together and then chill until serving.

As you can see from my photos, I made both the pomegranate version and also just a vanilla limeade version. Both were great and refreshing. Do you like to make fancy drinks to serve at parties?

Are you a musical fan? My husband hates them with a firey passion, so I always vote to watch musical movies at ladies' nights so I can get my fix!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Thoroughly Modern Millie was the first musical I ever saw during my first visit to NYC. I also love pomegranate juice so this looks great!

    1. Oh I wish I could see the live musical! I bet it's great.

  2. These sound refreshing and really yummy! Of course, I'd have to add some gin to mine ;)

  3. The flavor combo sounds delicious! I'll have a couple of these, please.

  4. That limeade looks great! (I think I'd totally throw some tequila in it though, booze hound that I am) :)

  5. i love the flavors of this drink and also that it's alcohol-free! i've never seen the movie, but anything with mary tyler moore sparks my interest.

    1. Yes, she is great in this! I totally recommend watching it. :)

  6. What an interesting concept. I definitely have to bookmark this for later.

  7. Pretty! I never make fancy non-alcoholic drinks, I just buy diet coke if people are not drinking! hahah I'm rubbish.

    1. I usually don't either! When people come by I'm like "Well, we have water..."

  8. Thanks everyone! I totally forgot to add it in the post - but yes, feel free to add alcohol of your choosing if you'd like. :)

  9. I don't know how I've not seen that movie! I love 1960's movies-everything about them, so this one is going on the Netflix queue right now!

    That limeade looks pretty spectacular too. I think the twins might even like it! Maybe for our next movie night!

    1. I so hope that you like the movie! It just cracks me up. I love all the 20's lingo they put in it like "By jingo" and "He's full of applesauce". :)

  10. LOVE Musicals- Justin cannot stand them either...pretty sure I have all the songs from Grease & Sound of Music Memorized....throw in a little vodka and prosecco in these and I would end up singing the entire movie with you!

    1. Umm sounds like you and I need to ditch the dudes and have a musical watching baking party!!

  11. These sound amazing! I love that musical, although have never seen the movie. About time I get on that I think!

  12. love the pomegranate one! i was raised on musicals(hindi films) so i am a big fan of a good song and dance routine!

    1. Yes! I love all the musical numbers in those films. :)
