
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Soft Pretzel Bites

As a part of Vegan MoFo I decided to dedicate my Wednesday posts to Ladies' Night! You'll find ideas to host a fun movie party complete with drinks and snacks for the perfect girls night in.

I almost picked another musical movie this week, but I figured I'd better spread them out so I don't seem too crazy. (Too late?) So this week I want to talk about 90's teen movies. 10 Things I Hate About You, Empire Records, She's All That, and my personal favorite - Clueless. These movies are the epitome of agnst-filled cheesiness, but they are still so fun to watch which makes them perfect for girls night. 

Does anyone else automatically start singing this song in your head whenever anyone mentions the mall?

Everyone who is anyone in 90's teen movies hangs out at the mall, and there is no better mall food than soft pretzels! If you've been missing your mall soft pretzels or are planning a 90's teen movie marathon, then this snack is for you. 

I followed this recipe for soft pretzels from Peas and Thank You. At first I did attempt to roll the dough into a pretzel shape, but realized after doing one that my dough was maybe a little too dry (or I just did not have pretzel shaping skills). Instead I broke off chunks off the dough and formed little pretzel bites. I followed the same steps of boiling them for 30 seconds, and then baked them.

They came out great! The soft pretzel taste is spot on, and paired with some of our favorite spicy german mustard, these were a great snack or party appetizer.

Have you tried making pretzels or other fancy folded or braided bread? They always look so pretty in photos, but mine always look kind of sad. I may just need more practice!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. They don't look sad, but quite tasty. I don't think I could handle shaping dough so pretzel balls might be the way to go.

  2. you know, i've never heard that mall song! so bizarre. but, my favorite '90's movie was empire records. i recorded it off tv onto a vhs and would watch it nearly everyday. i even have the soundtrack, which is awesome!

    i remember hanging out at the mall every weekend. seriously, what the heck did i do there? nowadays, when i'm at the mall for two hours with an actual goal in mind to purchase something, i start to get antsy and need to get out of there!

    i love that you made soft pretzel bites. soft pretzels were always my favorite. my stomach was a bottom-less pit for them. i've never made them, but richa has a recipe for gf ones that i may try soon ;)

    1. I loved Empire Records too and also have the soundtrack! I have no idea what I used to do at the mall either. I really don't enjoy going too much anymore - probably too many teenagers hanging around? :)

  3. These look so good, and BTW, I still know every word to Clueless :)

  4. i love these soft pretzels! i love clueless too!

    1. i like the pretzels more when they break open and stuff. they keep the shape if kneaded well. the more breaks and unevenness means more crust = more yumm!

    2. I totally agree! The crust is the best part!

  5. I love me some Robin Sparkles!

    Your preztel bites look delicious!

  6. What a fun night! I'm totally in! I like the pretzel idea even better as bites. You can eat more of them that way! Good call with the mustard too. That's always my favorite pretzel topping. I tried rolling my own pretzels once, but the shapes definitely took on a mind of their own. :)

    1. I thought you'd be in since you mentioned Clueless on your PJ party post! We'd have a pretty awesome party I think! Yeah my own attempt at a pretzel roll was...special.

  7. I love a good teen movie night! I cannot wait until the twins are old enough to watch Clueless. I spent so much time at the mall, namely Wet Seal, back in 94-95, trying to copy Cher's wardrobe. I could never really pull it off as well, especially because I was into the whole "grunge" thing too... I was so fashion-confused.

    These pretzel bites look so good. Soft pretzels were my jam back in the day and I love the idea of having a big bowl of them, in bite-size form. While I watch Clueless. Again. :-)

    1. Haha! My friends and I were really into Hot Topic, but that was back when most of what they sold was Care Bears t-shirts. I think I was fashion-confused too!

  8. Love making braided breads they are so pretty - these look so fantastic, haha Robin Sparkles, YES I love How I met your mother - Hilarious!

    1. I know, you are awesome at braiding breads! :)

  9. *hahahaha* Love Robin Sparkles! :) Especially since I'm Canadian. It's so funny!

    Yummmmmm! These pretzels bites look tasty!!!!
