
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tofu Scramble Toasts

As a part of Vegan MoFo I decided to dedicate my Thursday posts to recreating my family's favorite recipes - vegan style. My hope is that no one would be able to taste the difference!

Whenever my family would have a free weekend morning, we would whip up a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, usually with some fruit on the side. We'd sit around the table in our PJ's and hang out, in no rush to do anything or go anywhere. I thought that for this addition of "family favorites" I'd take a crack at recreating this scramble + toast breakfast.

Tofu Scramble Toasts
serves 2, adapted from magic jelly

1 block extra firm tofu
1 small green bell pepper, diced
1/2 small onion, diced
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
1 Tbsp flour
1/4 C almond milk
pinch of garlic powder
pinch of onion powder
pinch of chili powder
salt & pepper to taste
toasted bread

Drain the tofu and press if you have the time. Saute the olive oil, onion and pepper in a pan until slightly softened. Crumble in the tofu and stir until it starts looking golden.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the nutritional yeast, flour, almond milk, and spices until smooth.

Lower the heat on the tofu and add the milk mixture to the pan. Gently stir until it thickens and has a creamy consistency.

Enjoy by itself or on top of toasted bread of your choice!

This is a perfect breakfast to make and enjoy on the weekend. If you've been missing your "eggs and toast" type breakfasts, I would definitely give this one a try!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love tofu scramble, especially on toast. And especially with recipes like this one, where it truly DOES look like scrambled eggs!

    1. Thanks Barb! This is my favorite scramble recipe I've tried yet!

  2. since i don't eat tofu, i've never had the pleasure of eating it. but it looks so goodddddddd! i always preferred my eggs sunny side up, because i loved dipping my crispy bacon in the egg yolk. and you can never go wrong with toast. especially rye. that was my family's favorite.

  3. what a beautiful blog! I really love toast, and I really love tofu scramble. so this looks like a winner. Plus, I love the idea of an almond milk saucy element to the scramble - instead of having it be so dry. Looks great!

  4. my husband used to love scrambles.. so evern tough we eat limited tofu, i end up making some for him some special days.. i use tempeh most days so i can eat it too. i just cant take tofu:)

  5. Tofu scramble on some great toasted bread has got to be one of my go-to meals for any time of day. I lived on the stuff when I first became vegan, but thankfully, I learned to get a little more creative in the kitchen. ;-)

  6. I LOVE your version of Tofu Scramble - I am giving this a try over the weekend :)
