
Monday, October 15, 2012

Travel: Paris

As a part of Vegan MoFo I decided It would be fun to dedicate my Monday posts to travel. I love to try out new restaurants and local cuisine whenever I travel to new places, and I also love to plan!

My husband and I are traveling to Paris this November! We'll be sight seeing and also celebrating our one year anniversary. Of course I'm very excited, but I'm also a little bit nervous about what I can find to eat there. After doing a little digging around it seems that Paris does have some vegan options, so not all hope is lost! Here are some places that I'll be looking to try when we get there.

Gentle Gourmet Café
100% vegan menu of French and Mediterranean food. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Le Potager Du Marais
Traditional French menu done vegetarian with many vegan options for meals and desserts.
Oh She Glows has a nice write up.

Saveurs Végét'Halles
Casual vegetarian cafe with many vegan options.

Vegan Folie's
All vegan bakery featuring cupcakes, cookies and other treats.

Maoz Vegetarian
A grab and go place offering falafel and vegetables. 2 Paris locations.

Un Monde Vegan
Vegan market with convenience food products and other items.

Some more great resources:
Vegan Paris
A Vegan in Paris
Happy Cow

I really need to start working on learning a bit of French!
Has anyone traveled to Paris and have any recommendations of places to eat or other tips on dining there? It seems like most agree that it's a little difficult. I would love to hear your experiences in the comments!


  1. wow! i am super SUPER jealous! you're gonna eat at some amazing places, i'm sure!

  2. VegNews recently had a whole feature on vegan eats in Paris! I think it was in their September/October issue. Check it out - it's organized by arrondissement, so you can plan your food stops based on where you'll be at any time. :)

  3. Congrats on your trip and anniversary! I wouldn't have thought Paris would have as many vegan options as it does. It's funny they have a Moaz there, I eat there all the time : )

  4. I am jealous!! I would love to visit paris with my boyfriend :) Looks like such a romantic place...thank you for the links also :)

    1. You're welcome! I hope to come back with some good reports for you all. :)

  5. Paris is heart-achingly beautiful. Last time I went, the three of us had no problem finding unbelievably excellent food and we were a group of 2 vegans (my husband and I) and 1 vegetarian leaning hard toward vegan (my best friend). People were very nice. If you're conscious of French etiquette (read a book on it before you go) they will be very kind. Everyone was super helpful when we asked what was suitable for vegans, and most restaurants have menus posted outside so there's no embarassing moments of being handed a menu, then turning around and leaving. :) It helps if one of your group speaks basic French, or if you at least learn "menu french". :) Don't miss the French lentils. They aren't like the big brutes we get here. They're like tiny champagne bubbles that carry flavors beautifully. The baguette sellers on the street will make you a sandwich without meat and cheese, just their hot chili sauce and french fries. It's one of those soak-up-the-cocktails foods. Also, the sweet shops often have vegan treats if you look and/or ask. The chocolate is more often vegan than it is in the U.S. because they don't take out all the delicious cocoa butter to sell to the cosmetics industry at a premium and replace it with milkfat. So keep an eye out for the dark chocolates and ask what's dairy-free or read the ingredients. There's also sticky candied fruits and other wonders. We even found a place that made the most amazing herbs-de-provence bagels. Who would have thought? Remember, Parisian food is different than the food in other parts of France. It's a bajillion times easier to find vegan food. I even miss the caramel soy yogurt from the corner biologique. Why don't we have it here?! Have fun you lucky de bonne chance? ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I'm feeling better about being able to find things to eat and looking forward my trip even more. :)

  6. I CANNOT wait for your report on Paris! Chris and I are considering it for next year, so an up-to-date reference from someone I trust would be awesome! Have fun! :-)

    1. Oh awesome! I will come back with a full report!

  7. Cant wait to hear about your trip!

    Shira from In Pursuit of More just caeme back from an amazing trip to Paris- you should check out her posts!
