
Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday Flashback


Last weekend my best friend came into town and we did all sorts of fun activities and tried out a couple of Denver restaurants I've been meaning to get to, including Denver's vegan food truck!

1. Delicious brunch at Root Down - tofu scramble and home fries
2. The Vegan Van!
3. Minnie looking adorable.
4. The menu at the Vegan Van. Too many fun options.
5. My selection - the Ludacris: IPA waffle with Denver Seitan Company Chickenesque. Yum!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That scramble looks so yummy! I love Root Down. The Burbon BBQ Tofu is hands down the best tofu I've ever had.
    I also looove the Ludacris. I ate it so many times last summer during Civic Center Eats. It is easy the best vegan dish I've ever had. Period.

    1. I can't wait to go back to Root Down - thanks for the recommendation of the BBQ Tofu, I will have to try it! And yes, the Ludacris was kind of insane! :)
