
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012


I know this post is a little late, but we just got home from our trip to Paris (post on that coming soon!) and I still wanted to share what I had for Thanksgiving this year. Hope you don't mind!

Someone's ready to eat!

As the only vegan at a Thanksgiving dinner for six people, I figured I might be bringing a lot of my own food. However, my family rocks and they all brought things to share that I could eat as well. My Mom made a delicious salad with roasted squash, carrots, and pears to start things off. My sister made some tasty mashed potatoes with earth balance and almond milk.

We also had asparagus, rolls, and homemade cranberry sauce. I volunteered to make stuffing, baked beans, and dessert. Clearly there was already too much food planned, but that didn't stop anyone.


The stuffing I made was adapted from this recipe, and was delicious! This was my first attempt at homemade stuffing, and It was totally worth it. I also whipped up some quick vegan gravy to top my potatoes and stuffing.

Even though baked beans aren't really a traditional Thanksgiving dish in my family, I decided it might be a fun addition. I made some sweet and spicy baked beans in the crockpot, and they had a really good flavor.


For dessert I used my recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies, but just poured the batter into my mini bundt pan. It worked great and we really enjoyed our pumpkin bunts! (Sorry I don't have a picture - I think we ate them too fast.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


  1. your thanksgiving dinner looks DELICIOUS! i love when non-vegan family members incorporate more plant-based dishes into the meal. my family is the same way and it makes me feel like we're all sharing a dinner everyone made rather than me eating my food alone while everyone chows down on non-vegan food.

  2. that is a lot of options indeed and so sweet of everyone to make something for you. I love a cat picture in every post:)

    1. Haha thanks Richa, I can never post enough cat pictures.

  3. Sounds like a lovely meal :)

    So excited to read about Paris soon! Love that city! xo
